Columbia 4th Annual Engineering in Medicine Symposium

The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science & Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Thursday, February 20, 2020
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
CUIMC Faculty Club
630 W. 168th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY
Thursday, February 20, 2020
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Carleton Commons,
Seeley R. Mudd Building,
Morningside Campus
Immediately following the symposium, you are invited to join us at Carleton Commons to network with speakers, alumni, and current students. A charter bus will transport attendees to the reception. Please direct any questions to [email protected].
Katherine E. Reuther, PhD - Biomedical Engineering (BME)
Nandan Nerurkar, PhD - BME
8:00 - Networking Breakfast
8:45 - Opening Remarks
Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine; Chief Executive, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Lee Goldman, MD, MPH
Senior Executive Vice Dean, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Shih-Fu Chang, PhD
Cell & Tissue Engineering
9:05 - Session Chair: Craig Smith, MD (Surgery)
9:10 - Helen H. Lu, PhD (BME)
"Cell & Tissue Engineering, A Historic Perspective"
9:20 - Mijo Simunovic, PhD (Chemical Engineering/Genetics and Development)
"The Attachment and Symmetry Breaking of a 3D Model of the Human Embryo"
9:35 - Samuel Zev Williams, MD, PhD (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
"Engineering Solutions for Infertility"
9:50 - Clark Hung, PhD (BME)
"Bioengineering Strategies to Address Cartilage Repair and Degeneration"
10:05 - Kam Leong, PhD (BME)
"What Can the Opposite of Gene Delivery Accomplish?"
10:20 - 10:35 - Break
Bioinformatics & Data Science
10:35 - Session Chair: Itsik Pe'er, PhD (Computer Science)
10:40 - Andrew Laine, PhD (BME)
"Bioinformatics & Data Science, A Historic Perspective"
10:50 - Raju Tomer, PhD (Biological Sciences)
"Mapping and Engineering Complex Neural Systems"
11:05 - Elham Azizi, PhD (BME)
"Machine Learning for Modeling the Complex Tumor Microenvironment"
11:20 - Saeed Tavazoie, PhD (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
"Stochastic Tuning: Optimization of Gene Expression by Trial and Error"
11:35 - Joshua Jacobs, PhD (BME)
"Direct Human Brain Recordings and the Neural Basis of Cognition"
11:50 - 12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - Session Chair: Kristin Myers, PhD (Mechanical Engineering)
12:35 - X. Edward Guo, PhD (BME/Medicine)
"Biomechanics, A Historic Perspective"
12:50 - Vijay Vedula, PhD (Mechanical Engineering)
"Computational Modeling of Cardiovascular Biomechanics in Disease and Development"
1:05 - Nandan Nerurkar, PhD (BME)
"Mechanobiology of Gut Morphogenesis"
1:20 - David Kalfa, MD, PhD (Surgery)
“Developing Medical Devices for Children with Congenital Heart Diseases: a Translational and Collaborative Approach”
1:35 - Elisa Konofagou, PhD (BME/Radiology)
“Elasticity Imaging of Cardiovascular Tissues and Cancer”
1:50 - 2:00 - Break
Biomedical Imaging & Neuroengineering
2:00 - Session Chair: Anil K. Rustgi, MD (Director of the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Associate Dean of Oncology, Chief of Cancer Services)
2:05 - Paul Sajda, PhD (BME/Radiology/Electrical Engineering)
"Biomedical Imaging & Neuroengineering, A Historic Perspective"
2:15 - Stephen Tsang, MD, PhD (Ophthalmology/Pathology and Cell Biology)
"In Vivo CRISPR Genome Engineering and FDA Filing"
2:30 - Andreas Hielscher, PhD (BME/Radiology/Electrical Engineering)
"Clinical Optical Imaging of Vascular Diseases, Breast Cancer, and Arthritis for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring"
2:45 - Kenneth P. Olive, PhD (Medicine)
"Functional Imaging Applications in Translational Pancreatic Cancer Research"
3:00 - Qi Wang, PhD (BME)
"Neural Stimulation to Enhance Perception and Behavior"
3:15 - Closing Remarks
Nandan Nerurkar, PhD (BME)
3:20 - Social Hour/Poster Session
5:00 - Poster Competition Winner Announcement - Adjourn
5:15 - Charter Bus Departs for Reception
6:00 - 8:00PM - Post-Symposium Reception @ Carleton Commons